Energy speaks in color
Aura colors mean different things depending on where they show up in your portrait. Here’s a quick overview:
Lower left-hand side of the photograph: One’s internal state and where one experiences emotions and core sense of self.
Lower right-hand side of the photograph: One’s external state and persona, how one presents oneself to and relates to the external world.
Area above the head: Mental state with regard to how one is processing their thoughts
Check out the color descriptions below to decode what they might mean when they show up in your aura. Take what resonates or use the colors as thoughtstarters for deeper self-inquiry.
Tan can mean someone grounded in practical matters and a responsible taskmaster, with a preference for logic and the analytical side of things.
Usually means determination, energy, and intensity, with an inclination towards material reality or stability. Could mean a search for groundedness and security.
Typically associated with creativity, joy, and enthusiasm — a certain courage with regard to turning ideas into reality.
Often represents intellect, confidence, and optimism — perhaps someone who is happy to go with the flow.
Often associated with balance, growth, and healing, someone looking for personal growth.
Empathic and sensitive with a strong desire for connection and harmony, or a sign one is working on personal self-expression.
Can indicate someone who is constantly thinking of new ideas — a visionary, creative and openminded.
White can mean an excess of a particular energy when seen in tandem with another color.